
Yogyakarta chosen as UNESCO model for inclusive education

Bambang Muryanto, The Jakarta Post, Yogyakarta | Archipelago | Thu, March 07 2013, 8:04 AM The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) Indonesia Representative has chosen Yogyakarta as a model for the development of inclusive education, which in the future could also be applied in other cities in Indonesia and abroad. “We would like to have a strong partnership with the city administration to support education for people living with disabilities,” head of the social and human sciences unit at UNESCO Jakarta’s office, Charaf Ahmimed told reporters in Yogyakarta on Wednesday.

Microsoft Opens Window to the Future of Touch and Gesture Computing

A “Minority Report”-like future (minus the holographic screens) may be right around the corner as Microsoft shows off its Envisioning Center to demonstrate the steps it's taking to get there. Windows 8 and the Kinect motion controller are just early glimpses of a touch-, voice- and gesture-based future that Microsoft believes will become commonplace over the next five to 10 years. For a clearer look at how Microsoft expects personal computing to evolve, the software giant is showing off newly rebuilt and freshly opened Envisioning Center at its Redmond campus. The facility gives visitors some hands-on time with devices and technologies under development from the Microsoft Research and Office Labs. It also doubles as a laboratory for the company's engineering teams, said Microsoft in a statement.

Google: FBI watching you on internet

WASHINGTON: Google says the FBI is monitoring the Web for potential terrorist activity. But it can't say how extensive the surveillance is. As part of the Google Transparency Report, the Internet giant this week released data on so-called National Security Letters -- official requests for data under the Patriot Act passed after the September 11, 2001 attacks.  But Google said it was only allowed to provide broad ranges of numbers: in the years from 2009 to 2012, for example, it received between zero and 999 requests. The requests affected between 1,000 and 1,999 accounts, except in 2010 when the range was 2,000 to 2,999 accounts, Google said. 

Thunderbolt Bikin HDD Eksternal WD Tembus 320 MB/s

Jakarta  - Kehadiran port Tunderbolt pada jajaran komputer terbaru garapan Apple menyimpan potensi pada kecepatan transfer yang dimilikinya. Hal tersebut pun tak luput dimanfaatkan Western Digital (WD) yang terkenal sebagai produsen storage untuk turut menyematkannya produk storage besutannya. Seperti yang coba ditawarkan WD melalui produk HDD eksternal garapannya yang mengusung nama Velociraptor Duo dan Thunderbolt Duo.

Mengenal Registry

Well, selama ini mungkin kita udah sering buka-buka registry editor. Tapi tau ngga’ sih apa sebenarnya registry itu? Udah tau ngga’ aturan main di dalam area registry?? Udah tau fungsi dari masing-masing handle key?? udah tau apa yang boleh dan ngga’ boleh dilakukan dalam mengutak-atik registry? Okay, kita mulai dari arti registry itu sendiri. Registry adalah serangkaian konfigurasi yang dipakai windows untuk mengontrol hardware dan software yang terinstal pada PC. Registry dibentuk oleh dua file, yaitu

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